
Showing posts from November, 2023

RE: light as a symbol

 During RE day yesterday Year 2 thought about the idea of candles and light as a symbol. We thought about how we use candles, for example on a birthday cake. We then learnt about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah and the Christian celebration of advent and how both religions use candlelight to help them remember special events in their religion. We then made our own candle holders out of salt dough. 


 In DT this week we have been learning how to sew on buttons and do over stitch ready to make our hand puppets. 


 This week in maths we have been working on subtraction where we have to exchange tens and ones- this has been quite tricky but we are all starting to get the hang of it. 


 This week we started learning how to thread needles and do running stitch in advance of sewing our own hand puppets.