
Showing posts from September, 2022

Big Phonics

 This week in Big Phonics we had another special visitor - Mickey the Monkey. He helped us practise all the sounds we have been learning we week. 

Art L.O. to mix primary colours to make secondary colours.

 Today we learnt what secondary colours are and how these can be made using primary colours. We then had to add white or black to make different shades of each secondary colour. 

European day of languages

 This week we celebrated the European day of Languages. We talked about the different countries in Europe and how many different languages there are. We also talked about the different languages we have in our class including Dutch, German, Spanish and Bulgarian. We learned a little bit about Holland and then made pictures of windmills and tulips which Holland is famous for! We have also answered the register in different languages this week including French, Bulgarian, German and Dutch. 

Reading Lo: to perform a poem

In reading this week we have been looking at the poem ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’. We read the poem together over two days and then on the final day we worked in pairs to prepare a performance of one of the verses. There were some great performances with some really fluent reading.   

Computing - Making Music

 In today’s computing lesson, Year 2 have been learning how to turn drawings into music using Chrome Music Lab. We explored the features of the program before having a go at making sounds of our own. We learnt how to make low and high pitch sounds, as well as how to change the duration of notes. It was great fun!

English: Lo: to plan our own version of Little Red Riding Hood

 In English this week we have been starting to plan and write our own versions of Little Red Riding Hood.  We talked about what we could change in our versions, for example the name of the character, the animal in the story and the place the character goes to visit. We then started planning our new stories. 

Science - How can I present data?

 Today we looked at our data (information) and ways in which we can 'present' it. We learned how to draw a pictogram, presenting our data as images or symbols in columns. The children were incredible, and wrote some beautiful independent sentences on which microhabitats contained the most, and least insects.