

 In DT this half term we have been looking at wheels and axles and how they work. We finished off our unit of work by designing and making our own moving vehicles. The finished results were amazing and they all moved! 


 In English over the last few weeks we have been writing portal stories. In order to practise using our digital literacy skills we finished by typing up the stories on the laptops and then printing them out and turning them into books. Everyone did a fantastic job! 

PSHE Fire safety

 In PSHE we have been looking at fire safety and learning about what hoax calls are and why they are not a good idea! This week we finished off our learning by designing posters to tell people about the dangers of hoax calls. 

Digital literacy

 Year 2 really enjoyed typing up their magic door stories this week. Using a Laptop to type was a new experience for most and they all coped brilliantly and had a really good go! Well done year 2! 

Re day

 Year 2 really enjoyed RE day on Friday. We talked about the idea of remembering and what important events and people we choose to remember. We then talked about how Jewish people remember the creation story every week during their celebration of Shabbat and the different things they do to remember God at this time and the fact that he had a rest on the seventh day after they believe he created the world.